Vol. 17 No. 2, March 2004
- Nurturing friendships, sharing knowledge: el cultivo de amistades y el compartir de conocimientos: Carmen Machado, immediate past president and trustee, Trinidad and Tobago Association of Midwives, extends a welcome to the Americas.
- International Day of the Midwife: 5 May 2004.
- Midwifery in the Americas: yesterday, today, tomorrow: parterias en las Americas: ayer, hoy, manana: ICM Regional representatives Bridget Lynch and Alicia Cillo show how the events planned for the conference are based on the needs of midwives in a diverse area.
- Honouring traditional midwifery, valuing the knowledge: a Mexico conference: Diane Holzer, of the Midwives Alliance of North America, describes a meeting of traditional and professional midwives in Oaxaca, Mexico, September 2003.
- Russian midwives: 'they have strength and determination and they share a vision': Greta Beresford writes about the past and present of the Inter-regional League of Midwives of Russia, and her own involvement in their continued endeavours.
- Pakistan government celebrates midwife's work.
- New co-chair appointed to ICM Research Standing Committee.
- New free CD-ROM: safe motherhood strategies: a review of the evidence (now available in Spanish).
- The partnership for safe motherhood and newborn health: announcing the launch of an expanded global initiative to promote the health and survival of women and newborns in the developing world.
- 'Exclusive breastfeeding: the gold standard--safe, sound, sustainable' ...
- 'Global strategy for infant and young child feeding' (www.who.int).