International Day of the Midwife: 5 May 2004.

Midwives--a voice for healthy families

Raising the profile of midwives as advocates for healthy women, healthy babies, healthy nations

Where midwifery is strong, the health of women tends to be better and this has a positive impact on families and the wellbeing of children as they grow from newborn to adult.

* Midwives work in partnership with the women they care for, so that their actions are appropriate, positive and in harmony with the culture of the family and community

* Midwives may also have the role of advocacy for childbearing women as they seek fulfilment of their rights in accessing health care and appropriate support in the community

* Midwives are experts in normal childbirth, but also work in collaboration with other health professionals to ensure an effective service for women who may need to be referred

* Through midwives' own work and through these partnerships, the profile of midwifery can be raised so that it functions as a strong and influential profession in each country and as an international force.

The ICM has worked with colleagues across the world to promote campaigns for the enhancement of women's and children's health, and to ensure that midwives are informed and involved with the issues that affect the welfare of families.

ICM member associations and all midwives are encouraged to build on these foundations, to spread the word of midwifery action at national and international level and to celebrate their own local achievements--midwives everywhere are helping to promote and protect ... healthy women, healthy babies and healthy nations!

Les sages-femmes--una voix pour des families an bonne sante

Les sages-femmes prennent l'initiative pour mieux faire connaitre leur profession et plaidoyer pour des femmes ... des bebes ... des nations an bonne sante

Ou la pratique de la sage-femme est forte, on voit un impact positif par rapport au bien-etre des enfants durant leur croissance.

* Les sages-femmes travaillent en partenariat avec les femmes, pout assurer que leurs actions soient appropriees, favorables, et en harmonie avec la culture de la famille et de la communaute.

* Les sages-femmes peuvent aussi assumer le role de plaidoyer pour les droits des femmes afin que leurs droits soient respecter et qu'elles aient acces aux services de sante et a les ressources d'appui appropriees dans leurs communautes.

* Les sages-femmes sont experts en accouchements normales, mais travaillent aussi en collaboration avec autres...

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