Uitspraak Nº 7072317 RP VERZ 18-50405. Rechtbank Den Haag, 2018-09-28

Docket Number7072317 RP VERZ 18-50405
Date28 Septiembre 2018
CourtRechtbank Den Haag (Neederland)
Rechtbank DEN HAAG

Zittingsplaats ’s-Gravenhage


Zaaknr.: 7072317 RP VERZ 18-50405

Uitspraakdatum: 28 september 2018

Beschikking van de kantonrechter in de zaak van:

Het kerkgenootschap

Crossroads International Church of the Hague,

gevestigd te Den Haag,

verzoekende partij,

tevens verwerende partij in het tegenverzoek

verder te noemen: Crossroads,

gemachtigde: mr. M.W.J. Hoek,


[verweerder] ,

wonende te [woonplaats] ,

verwerende partij,

tevens verzoekende partij in het tegenverzoek,

verder te noemen: [verweerder] ,

gemachtigde: mr. C.A.C.M. Ficq.

1 Het procesverloop

Crossroads heeft de kantonrechter bij verzoekschrift met bijlagen, bij de griffie ingekomen op 16 juli 2018 verzocht de arbeidsovereenkomst tussen partijen te ontbinden. De werknemer heeft een verweerschrift tevens houdende een (zelfstandig) tegenverzoek met bijlagen ingediend.


Op 31 augustus 2018 heeft de mondelinge behandeling van het verzoek plaats gevonden. Verschenen zijn [betrokkene 1] , [functie] en [betrokkene 3] , [functie] namens Crossroads en [verweerder] in persoon, bijgestaan door hun gemachtigden. Daarbij zijn door beide partijen pleitaantekeningen overgelegd. Van het verhandelde ter zitting zijn door de griffier aantekeningen gemaakt die zich in het procesdossier bevinden.

Voorafgaande aan de mondelinge behandeling heeft Crossroads nog diverse producties overgelegd.

2 De feiten

Crossroads is een internationaal christelijk kerkgenootschap overeenkomstig artikel 2:2 BW.

Haar statuten en haar huishoudelijk reglement (Constitution en By-Laws) zijn opgesteld in de Engelse taal.


Voor zover van belang voor de behandeling en de beoordeling van de verzoeken luiden de bepalingen van de statuten van Crossroads als volgt:

Constitution and By-Laws

(Update by Dan Steigerwald of original December, 1998 document)


Il. The church's name is "Crossroads International Church of The Hague," hereafter referred to as "Crossroads."

12. Crossroads is a church in accordance with Article 2:2 of The Dutch Civil Law, and, as such, is entitled to participate as a legal entity in civil procedures.

13. Crossroads is founded for unspecified duration.

14. Crossroads has its seat in The Hague but can also be active elsewhere.


We affirm that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are "the Word of God", totally trustworthy, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, supreme, final and the only infallible rule of faith and practice. This church shall have the right to govern itself and conduct worship in accordance with these Scriptures.

The five biblical purposes of the Church are the central non-changing care by which we orient ourselves. These purposes answer the question: Why do we exist?

In order for a church to achieve its reasons for being, it must be:

1 COMMUNAL (stimulating FELLOWSHIP)- ''baptize them into..."

2. CHRIST-FOCUSED (stimulating WORSHIP)- "Love God w1th all your heart"

3. GROWING (stimulating DISCIPLESHIP) - "Teach them to do all things I commanded"

4. PARTICl PATIVE (stimulating SERVICE) - ..Love your 11ei1;hhour us yourse(('

5. MISSIONAL (stimulating OUTREACH) - "Go and make disciples"


Membership in this Church shall consist of all persons who have met the

qualifications for membership (below), and are listed on the membership roll.

People meeting the following qualifications shall be eligible for membership in Crossroads:

15. A demonstrated desire to follow Jesus Christ as the Forgiver of their sins and the Leader of their life (accompanied by water baptism at some point);

16. Affirmation of the Crossroads' Agreement on Participating Membership (which includes an expressed intention to abide by the Crossroads Statement of Faith, Mission, Vision and Values, and a willingness to stay true to the membership stipulations defined in the church's membership orientation).


VII1. Board of Elders

The church shall be governed by a group of godly individuals called elders, who together comprise the Board of Elders. (The two terms used for Elder in the New Testament are "presbuteros", meaning "someone who is mature in the Lord," and "episcopos," meaning "to give oversight ." In texts such as Titus 1:5-9 and Acts 20: 17ff, these words are used interchangeably. The first term suggests the character of the Elder, and the second suggests the function).

The qualifications for elders shall be as follows:

  1. The elders shall be mature, godly persons who manifest the qualifications stipulated by the scriptures (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).

  2. The elders are to be persons seasoned in the Lord, full of faith, sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and who have gifts necessary to lead and teach.

17. All elders shall be members and regular attenders of Crossroads services; They shall wholeheartedly own and propagate the expressed Aim, Purposes, Values and Statement of Faith of the church, and shall resolutely hold to Scripture (as a base for right doctrine, morality, ethics and discipline of church leaders and members).

17. In accordance with Scriptural injunctions regarding ultimate male authority in the church, only qualified men will be eligible for the office of Senior Pastor . The office of Elder shall not be closed to qualified women (the only exception being the Senior Pastor ).

VII2. Senior Pastor

The senior pastor is a member of the elders and is responsible to impart vision and direction to church leadership (elders and staff), and to catalyze the development and resourcing of leadership within the church. He is also responsible to see that the teachings of Scripture are imparted to the Body. This individual is also expected to bring initiatives to carry out the purpose, mission and vision of the church, in accordance with the Crossroads' corporate values. The Senior pastor participates in mutual accountability with the eldership; As "first among equals," he is the "point man" Elder among a plurality of elders, comprising the Crossroads Board of Elders.

VII3. Staff

The staff of the church are responsible to lead and equip members of the body and to implement ministries to carry out the purposes, mission and vision of the church on the operational level, while demonstrating the values of the church. Ultimately, the staff are accountable to the Senior pastor and elders for all ministry goals and direction.

De By-Laws of Crossroads luiden, voor zover voor dit geding van belang, als volgt:



Section 1. Function and Authorization of Board of Elders

1. To rule in the spiritual and physical affairs of the church, as the governing authority within Crossroads;

2. To teach. The sphere and context of the teaching ministry will be determined by the ability and gifting of a given Elder. The elders are responsible to safeguard the "good deposit" of the Scriptures within the body, and to insure that accurate and relevant biblical teaching is offered to the church;

3. To oversee the carrying out of the church's stated Mission and Vision, in accordance with the Crossroads values;

4. To counsel and discipline persons in the church in accordance with the Bible;

( 5. To unanimously discern God's choice for senior pastor and to present him to the church body for their affirmation. Other pastoral staff positions and members will be enlisted by the Senior Pastor and affirmed by the elders. The Board does not require an authorization for the appointment or suspension of a Senior Pastor . However,

the Board is required to inform the genera! meeting of members of Crossroads, without delay, of such a decision.

6. To buy or sell liquid assets. The Board needs authorization, however, at the general meeting of members for:

• any transaction involving acquisition, disposal or encumberance of unbudgeted liquid assets which exceed a value of thirty thousand dutch guilders (or 12,000 Euros). This lîmiting value will automatically be raised by twenty-five hundred dutch guilders (or 1200 Euros) per three year period;

• any transaction involving acquisition, disposal or encumberance of registered goods.

7 To enter into a contract by which registered goods are bought, sold or brought under a mortgage;

8. To delegate certain tasks to either the church staff or to a committee appointed by the Board;

9. To officially represent Crossroads in legal matters. This representation also applies to two elders acting together. The Board has the right to appoint an individual Elder, staff members or others to officially represent Crossroads;

10. The Board has authority on all matters not specifically assigned to other bodies by these statutes.

Section 2. Selection of Elders

The Holy Spirit selects persons for leadership and He alone knows the hearts and motives of men. His choices, however, must be expressed through human agency. Hence, the following process of selecting elders will be used:

  1. Recommendations for new Elder candidates will be sought from the church body annually (or more frequently, as deemed necessary by the Elder Board) usingI Timothy 3:1-7 as a guide;

  2. These names will be prayed over and screened by the existing elders;

  3. Those who are selected will be contacted as to their availability, qualifications and willingness to serve;

  4. Those who respond positively will be presented publicly to the church body as potential Elder candidates. The Body will be given an opportunity to express privately to the existing elders any misgivings based on the biblical criteria;

  5. Every member has the right to protest against the candidacy of a nominee either in writing or...

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