Uitspraak Nº C/13/597243 / HA ZA 15-1031. Rechtbank Amsterdam, 2016-09-21

Date21 Septiembre 2016
Docket NumberC/13/597243 / HA ZA 15-1031
CourtRechtbank Amsterdam (Neederland)



Afdeling privaatrecht

zaaknummer / rolnummer: C/13/597243 / HA ZA 15-1031

Vonnis van 21 september 2016

in de zaak van

[eiser] ,

wonende te [woonplaats] ,

eiser in conventie,

verweerder in reconventie,

advocaat mr. R.D. Chavannes te Amsterdam,


[gedaagde] ,

wonende te [woonplaats] , [land] ,

gedaagde in conventie,

eiseres in reconventie,

advocaat mr. N.D.R. Nefkens te Amsterdam.

Partijen zullen hierna [eiser] en [gedaagde] genoemd worden.

1 De procedure

Het verloop van de procedure blijkt uit:

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    de dagvaarding van 5 november 2015, met producties,

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    de conclusie van antwoord tevens houdende eis in reconventie, met producties,

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    de akte van depot door [gedaagde] van 12 februari 2016,

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    het tussenvonnis van 17 februari 2016, waarin een comparitie van partijen is bepaald,

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    het proces-verbaal van comparitie van 28 juni 2016, en de daarin genoemde stukken,

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    de brief van 11 juli 2016 van mr. Chavannes, met opmerkingen naar aanleiding van het proces-verbaal van comparitie,

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    de brief van 11 juli 2016 van mr. Nefkens, met opmerkingen naar aanleiding van het proces-verbaal van comparitie.


Ten slotte is vonnis bepaald.

2 De feiten

[eiser] en [gedaagde] houden zich bezig met performance art, een kunstvorm waarbij het lichaam van de artiest het belangrijkste medium is. Zij hebben in de periode tussen 1976 en 1988 een relatie gehad en hebben in die periode ook intensief samengewerkt.


De samenwerking tussen [eiser] en [gedaagde] heeft geresulteerd in een aantal gezamenlijke werken die zijn vastgelegd op foto, video en film. Deze werken zijn binnen de kunstwereld zeer bekend. Het betreft bijvoorbeeld Relation in Time, waarbij [eiser] en [gedaagde] 17 uur met hun haren in elkaar gevlochten bewegingloos zitten (links) en AAA-AAA, waarbij beiden in elkaars open mond schreeuwen (rechts):


Voorts is een gezamenlijk werk van [eiser] en [gedaagde] de performance Work Relation uit 1978:


In 1988 eindigde de relatie en de professionele samenwerking tussen [eiser] en [gedaagde] , met het naar elkaar toelopen vanaf de beide zijden van de Chinese muur.


Het (fysieke) archief van objecten, beeld- en geluidsdragers van gezamenlijke werken van [eiser] en [gedaagde] is in de daarop volgende jaren door [eiser] beheerd.


[gedaagde] heeft na 1988 haar solocarrière als performance kunstenaar verder uitgebouwd en heeft in de loop der jaren steeds meer bekendheid verworven. [eiser] heeft zich meer toegelegd op (polaroid)fotografie, maar verricht ook (weer) performances.


[eiser] en [gedaagde] hebben op 29 april 1999 een overeenkomst gesloten (hierna: de overeenkomst), waarin voor zover relevant is opgenomen:



A. as from 1976 until their separation in 1988 [eiser] and [gedaagde] worked together

making art, which works became well known and culminated in their walk along the Great Wall of China in 1988;

B. [eiser] and [gedaagde] captured their performances on photo, video and film;

C. [eiser] and [gedaagde] have archived the recording (i.e. films, video’s, photo’s) and the objects, drawings, books and all other physical material of their joint works and agree that [gedaagde] will buy the complete archive from [eiser] and will be responsible for the further exploitation of these art works;

D. [eiser] and [gedaagde] recognise their mutual interest in entering into a written

agreement which sets forth the respective rights and obligations with respect to the sale of the archive and the exploitation of the joint works.


1 Definitions

The terms written with an initial capital in this Agreement shall have the meaning as

defined hereunder,



Joint Works; the art works and the records of their joint performances during the

period that [eiser] and [gedaagde] performed together starting in January 1976 and

ending in 1988, as listed in Annex 1 hereto, including the Great Wall of China in 1988 but excluding their Solo Works resulting from the project.


Solo Works; the art works and recordings of solo performances of [eiser] and

[gedaagde] made during, prior or after the period of their Joint Works (i.e. the Berlin Action 12 December 1976 of [eiser] )


Reproduc(e)(tion); the reproduction of the Joint Works in any manner or form

including but not limited to the publishing, selling, lending, broadcasting (including the reproduction in digitized form) and exhibiting


3 Inventory of Joint Works



The physical archive of any and all works and materials, as described and listed on the inventory in Annex 1 is hereby sold for the total sum of DM 300.000.- to [gedaagde] and shall be transferred (physically) to [gedaagde] . The details and conditions of this transfer have been negotiated and agreed by the parties. The transfer shall take place not later than June 1st 1999. [gedaagde] is , with the completion of this agreement and the full payment to [eiser] , the sole and exclusive physical owner of the archive.


Parties agree and [eiser] guarantees that the inventory of the Works in Annex 1 is the complete list of the Works and that there are no works left in the possession of [eiser] which could generate any reproduction. If any Joint Works are found or discovered by [eiser] after the completion of the sale and transfer, he is obliged to notify [gedaagde] and to transfer these works to [gedaagde] .

4 Exploitation and moral rights

[eiser] and [gedaagde] agree that [gedaagde] shall take care of the exploitation of the Joint Works and of certain Solo works as listed in the Annex.. This means that [eiser] grants to [gedaagde] the right to decide at her own discretion whether and where to Reproduce the Joint Works, subject to the duty of [gedaagde] to pay [eiser] the royalties and fees in accordance with article 6.



[gedaagde] , however, shall acknowledge the moral rights of [eiser] into the Joint

Works and shall not be allowed to make any changes to the Joint Works without the prior written consent of [eiser] .


Both parties are entitled to assign their intellectual property rights and any right arising from this agreement to a third party, including but not limited to a will.



[gedaagde] and [eiser] agree that they are obliged and shall be allowed to make reference to each other’s name with respect to (the Reproduction of the) Joint Works. Reference must be made to “ [eiser] / [gedaagde] ” regarding joint works from the period 1976 to 1980. Reference must be made to “ [gedaagde] / [eiser] ” regarding joint works from the period 1981 to 1987.


[gedaagde] agrees to sign 49 photographs agreed upon in the collection of [eiser] . [gedaagde] is further obliged to provide [eiser] with one (1) signed copy of every editioned work (excluding unique works or reproductions) at production costs and to notify [eiser] of every reproduction made.

5 Intellectual Property

[gedaagde] and [eiser] acknowledge that the intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights and neighbouring rights into the Joint Works, remain vested in [gedaagde] and [eiser] jointly and equally.


[gedaagde] and [eiser] agree that they shall not transfer or assign the jointly owned intellectual property rights into the Joint Works to any third party.


[eiser] is entitled to apply for access to the archive on a 72 hour notice, for the purpose of exhibitions i.e. This access will not be denied by [gedaagde] on unreasonable grounds.

6 Fees and payment

In consideration of the rights granted hereunder with respect to exploitation of the Joint Works, [gedaagde] agrees to pay [eiser] during the term of this Agreement, a royalty equal to 20 % (twenty percent) of the total proceeds (including VAT), calculated over the net income for each Reproduction sold. The net income is the gross income of [gedaagde] after the deduction of the direct production costs.


In the event that efforts of [eiser] lead to the sale of the Joint Works, [gedaagde] shall pay [eiser] a rebate of 13 % (thirteen percent) of the total proceeds for each work. The remaining 87% (eighty-seven percent) of the proceeds shall be apportioned between [eiser] and [gedaagde] pursuant the apportionment key as provided for in article 6.1.


[gedaagde] , or a third party appointed by her, shall pay to [eiser] the royalties he is entitled to within 30 (thirty) days after the receipt of the payment by [gedaagde] or her agent. The third party to be appointed is [naam 1] in New York (US).


[gedaagde] shall submit to [eiser] a quarterly statement in writing, setting forth with respect to the preceding period the quantities of Reproductions and sales.


10 Applicable law

This Agreement, and any dispute arising as a result thereof or in connection therewith, shall be governed by the laws of The Netherlands. The competent courts in the district of Amsterdam, the Netherlands shall have sole jurisdiction.


[gedaagde] heeft vanaf 2007/2008 verschillende nieuwe edities van gezamenlijke werken gemaakt en verkocht. [gedaagde] biedt het gezamenlijke werk aan via diverse galerieën en online via Electronic Arts Intermix (hierna: EAI) en LIMA (voorheen het Nederlands Instituut voor Media Kunst, hierna: NIMK).


[gedaagde] heeft [eiser] ter zake de gerealiseerde verkopen van gezamenlijke werken een bedrag van totaal € 31.105,00 betaald, bestaande uit vijf betalingen tussen mei 2008 en...

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