ICM Board meets in The Hague, looks forward to Trinidad and Brisbane: Joyce Thompson, director of the ICM Board of Management, reports on the January 2004 meeting, with positive news in a challenging environment.

AuteurThompson, Joyce
TenlasteleggingInstitute for Complementary Medicine

As I look out at the clear, glistening snow covering my yard in Michigan, USA, I am reminded of the fresh, invigorating discussions that arose during the most recent ICM Board of Management meeting, held in January" 2004, in the headquarters office in The Hague.

We warmly welcomed Kathy Herschderfer to her first meeting as Secretary General of ICM, and quickly initiated her into the multiple demands of the interface between board members and staff. Kathy is a wonderful person whose extensive research, management, organisational and midwifery skills are already being put to good use within ICM.

ICM budget

The Board agenda was filled with many items and issues, beginning with the realisation that the projected budget deficit at the beginning of 2003 turned out to be much greater than originally anticipated.

The major reasons for this deficit included:

* unexpected expenses from the Vienna congress

* the need to cover the costs of recruitment and handover for the Secretary General position

* additional legal fees for review of the Constitution and By-Laws

* a change in accounting practices.

Board members are confident that the ICM is financially solvent, but acutely aware of the need vigorously to seek additional funds for projects, while curtailing representation and staff costs. The staff and board have worked hard to make sure 2004 will be financially healthy.

The good news is that ICM has received an additional three years of core funding from the Dutch government; and, in addition, some of our partner agencies and member associations have pledged support for the Young Midwifery Leaders project, along with other sponsored activities planned for the mid-triennium meeting in Trinidad.

Throughout these discussions, the Board and staff kept the core mission of ICM first and foremost in their decision making, along with maintaining service to our member associations.

Future meetings: Trinidad and Brisbane

A good portion of the Board agenda was focused on the detailed plans for the upcoming meetings: Trinidad, in April 2004; and Brisbane, in July 2005.

In Trinidad, the executive committee will be finalising the draft Constitution and By-Laws for presentation at the International Council meeting in Brisbane, based on the comments received from member associations.

The organising committee in Trinidad is working hard with the Regional Representatives to make this...

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