The end of our year--a time for rethinking, renewing and making resolutions; Kathy Herschderfer, ICM Secretary General, writes, at the completion of her first 12 months in post, of her impressions of the last year and intentions for the next.

AuteurHerschderfer, Kathy

As the end of the year approaches, many of us look back and reflect on the events and experiences that have influenced us the most during the past 12 months. Some of us are anxiously looking forward to what the New Year will bring and some of us use this time to rethink and make resolutions for the coming year.

As my first full year as ICM Secretary General draws to a close, I find myself looking back and learning from the past, looking forward to an exciting new year in which midwifery will be profiled as the best care for mothers and newborns and also resolving to continue and increase the efforts that will lead the ICM towards a viable and secure future.


As you all know, ICM has experienced a very challenging year. As Joyce Thompson wrote in the Board of Management report published in the September/October issue (IM 2004; 17(5): 51) we experienced a major disappointment when our Programme Manager, Nester Moyo, returned home to Zimbabwe. However, I am happy to report that Nester has staved on as ICM Project Coordinator and now works from her home office.

Facing very serious financial constraints, as outlined by Joyce earlier in the year (IM 2004; 17(1): 3) we have taken the necessary measures which will return us to financial stability. These measures have led to an increase in the workload of the Board of Management, the Executive Committee and the remaining staff at Headquarters. It is with deep appreciation that we recognise these efforts and the work carried out by volunteers who have stepped in to help.

We also realise that we may not be as prompt in responding to questions and requests as in the past and are grateful for the understanding and patience we have received from our Member Associations and partners. We have had to think deeply about our direction, setting strict priorities and carrying out our core business while never compromising on our global vision and aims. ICM has continued to be effectively represented in major global initiatives and forums; we have carried out a highly successful series of midtriennium meetings in collaboration with one of our most dynamic member associations, the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Midwives; we have participated in a number of consultations organised by the WHO.

In addition, we have launched new collaborative projects with various partners

* the publication of the joint statement on the Critical Role of the Skilled Attendant with WHO and FIGO (see p 65)

* the...

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